Latest News
On 26 May 2023, ICSD’s Founding Chairman, Dr. Angus Yip, was interviewed at HOY TV’s 「聲東擊西」and talked about the Certified ESG Planner certification and programs.
please see the following link: HOY TV「聲東擊西」Episode 649
ICSD Chairman, Dr. Angus Yip, was invited to deliver an ESG talk at the dinner of Rotary Club Bayview Sunshine HK on 26 April 2023
ICSD’s Chairman, Dr. Angus Yip, talked about ESG development at the event of Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong on 20 April 2023
ICSD’s delegates joined and spoke in the international Conference of Hong Kong Housing Society on 17 April 2023
ICSD was the Judge and Supporting Organisation for the Family Office Association of HK’s 2023 Case Competition
Certified ESG Planner program was embedded in the Master Degree course at Lingnan University: SCI505 Introduction to ESG Planning
ICSD is pleased to announce that an exclusive weekly column at "Finance 730"
「ESG 理要知」was reserved to our members to publish the articles related to ESG matters
please see the following link:
Certified ESG Planner program was adopted by Chinese University of HK as a 2-credit bearing Earth Science course for full-time students
(Course code: EASC5602 Corporate Sustainability and Certified ESG Planner)
ICSD actively participated in Sustainable Investing and ESG Conference 2022, became a Silver Sponsor, Guest Speakers and joined panel discussions
ICSD was the Silver Sponsor and sent our ESG experts to participate in the United Nations’ ESG Conference on 1 & 2 December 2022
On 12 November 2022, ICSD’s Chairman, Dr. Angus Yip, joined as a guest to share his views on ESG career prospect in GBA with secondary students at an event organised by HKFYG Leadership Institute
ICSD is proud to announce the collaboration with a renowned social enterprise, iEnterprise, to launch a Certified ESG Planner program with the focus on ESG impact management
ICSD delivered a theme talk on “Corporate Sustainability” to the students at Hong Kong Hang Seng University on 24 October 2022
ICSD delivered a theme talk on “ESG Reporting” to the students at Shue Yan University on 21 October 2022
ICSD supports JCIHK SDG Pioneer Program 2022 and joined the judging panel of the semi-final contest held in hybrid mode on 24 Sep 2022
8 JCIHK SDG Pioneer Teams each presented impactful projects for achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals. Congratulations to 5 winning teams who will join the Final Contest held in JCI World Congress on Oct - 4 Nov 2022.
JCI Victoria: SDG Enterprise Awards 2022
JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes: Business on Stilettos 2022: Global Female Entrepreneur Award
JCI Harbour: Green Great Deal
JCI City & JCI City Lady: Every Child is a Wonderful Artist
JCI Lantau: Sustainable Lantau
ICSD completed three programs (15 hours per program, total 80 persons) of Certified ESG Planner in-house training program for Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) in September 2022
Invited by Hang Seng Bank, ICSD provided a seminar on ESG and Sustainable Banking to their staff in Business Banking on 13 September 2022
ICSD and Chinese University SCS co-organised a ESG Forum: “Opportunities in Hong Kong Sustainable Finance and Green Careers” on 24 August 2022
In-house training for Fubon Bank (Hong Kong)
ICSD’s Chairman, Angus Yip, and Vice Chairman, Mike Hui,
conducted an in-house 20-hour training program of “Sustainable Banking and Finance” for Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) in the first quarter of 2022. The participants who have successfully completed the program are eligible to apply for Certified ESG Planner trademark designation.
ICSD’s Summer Intern 2022: Jeffrey Tong (Grade 11, International Christian School) and Nicole Tong (Form 4 student)
ICSD Founding Chairman, Angus Yip, delivered a webinar on financial well-being for the staff at Facebook.
Certified ESG Planner (CEP) was reported on media (on.cc東網)
此外,香港現有數隻以ESG為主題的ETF,例如Global X中國潔淨能源ETF(02809)以再生能源為主題,追蹤Solactive中國清潔能源指數。嘉實中證滬深300 ESG領先指數ETF(03108),以及海通MSCI中國A股ESG ETF(03031),同樣集中投資於內地境內上市、並符合ESG評級的中國公司。
市面上有部分ESG相關的課程,例如由香港管理專業協會舉辦的ESG策劃行政人員證書課程,或由嶺南大學持續進修學院舉辦的ESG投資行政人員證書課程。當完成上述其中一個課程,通過評核並合格後,並每年繳交800元會費成為國際可持續發展協進會(International Chamber of Sustainable Development)的會員,便獲授權使用「認可ESG策劃師CEP®」資格。
另外,全球投資專業人士組織CFA協會兩年前推出的ESG投資資格證書課程(Certificate in ESG Investing),全球報讀人數已超過1.15萬人,而世界各地對該課程的興趣與日俱增。
Source: "on.cc東網"
Certified ESG Planner (CEP) was reported on media (CTgoodjobs)
【人物專訪】ESG策劃師分享行業概況 識ESG搵工叫價可提高20%?
企業搶人潮 叫價提高20%
環保學系畢業生是企業ESG主要招攬對象,皆因他們擁有紥實的環境知識,了解碳排放計算、節約能源技術等,可以為公司提供實質建議。硬技能固然重要,Angus補充求職者的軟技能亦不可缺,「ESG講求利害關係人參與(Stakeholder Engagement),你要從不同持份者角度出發分析ESG問題,並因應業務性質,決定處理先後次序。」
Source: "CTgoodjobs"
ICSD is the supporting organisation
Certified ESG Planner (CEP®) was registered at United Nations SDGs Knowledge Platform
Certified ESG Planner (CEP®) was registered at United Nations SDGs Knowledge Platform.
(Registration number: 39533)
ICSD gave comments on the Environmental Protection Department‘s consultation paper on the Scheme on Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware
ICSD gave comments on the Environmental Protection Department‘s consultation paper on the Scheme on Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware.
Our “SLABM” Initiative was registered as a United Nations Partnership project
Our “SLABM” Initiative was registered as a United Nations Partnership project.
(Registration number: 39200)