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世界綠色組織 (WGO) 行政總裁


  • 能源經濟學家及氣候變化專才,於英國劍橋大學取得博士學位

  • 環境局「惜食香港」運動委員

  • 社創基金FOOD-CO指導委員會成員

  • 「香港綠色建築議會」專家委員

  • 環境保護署空氣質素指標檢討工作小組委員

  • 發展局上訴委員會﹝城市規劃﹞成員

  • 社會影響力評估分析師協會董事


Mr. Hauman Yeung

Hauman Yeung is the Director of Corporate Advisory at Ascent Partners. He got a master's degree in finance from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has been involved in the environmental movement in Hong Kong since 1988 and has worked on several ecological restoration projects funded by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Bank in Loess Plateau and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. He worked with United Nations UN ESCAP to help Bhutan to issue their first-ever sovereign Green Bond in 2020. He is currently engaged by United Nations UN ESCAP as a Special Consultant to organize the project "Asia Pacific Green Deal".

Hauman co-founded the company Ascent Partner Advisory Service Limited in the year 2008. Ascent Partners is a leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Services. Since he started the ESG department in 2016, the firm managed to produce more than 400 ESG reports for listed companies in Hong Kong, and now become one of the market leaders in the ESG field.


Mr. Joe Lee

​Managing Director, INTAD
Governance Expert in Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption

Mr. Lee is a seasoned anti-corruption and anti-fraud professional. He served as the Director of Corruption Prevention in the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong from 2019 to 2023, and is now the Management Director of INTAD Limited.

Mr. Lee's journey in anti-corruption and anti-fraud began in 1994 with the ICAC, where he devoted a 29-year career in the provision of consultancy, operational audit and training services to public and private sector organizations, focusing on governance and internal control, management of staff integrity, corruption and fraud risk management and anti-corruption/fraud system and measures. Under Joe’s leadership, the ICAC’s anti-corruption work was brought to a new height: it was the key driver of the setting of integrity and anti-corruption regulatory requirements and guidelines for sectors such as banking, insurance, property management, and listed companies by their respective regulators; built collaborative relationship with trade/professional bodies of industries such as catering, hospitality, retail, purchasing, and construction to develop guides on integrity and ethical conduct, anti-corruption/fraud and internal control systems; developed senior-level certificate courses for banks, insurers, property management companies, etc.

As the World Economic Forum says in its paper Investing in Integrity in a Complex World: The Role of Anti-Corruption in ESG amid the ESG Revolution: corporate integrity is fundamental to ethical ESG performance and reporting. Leveraging on his expertise and carrying on his mission, Joe has set up INTAD Limited, which aims at providing tailored consultancy, operational audit and training services to business entities to support them to achieve their ESG goals through building a high standard of integrity and ethical organizational culture and implementing effective anti-corruption/fraud systems, and to advise foreign governments on prevention of corruption.

Mr. Lee holds a Bachelor of Computer Science, a Master of Business Administration, and a Master of Corporate Governance degree. He is a Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, Certified ESG Planner, member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors and the Hong Kong Computer Society.

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方國榮 教授(首席顧問)

香港中文大學 學士, 美國紐約大學 碩士及博士


  • 方國榮顧問有限公司 董事總經理

  • 英國威爾斯大學 客座教授,DBA博士生導師

  • 公共行政與政策:亞太地區期刊,英國出版 總編輯

  • 香港公共行政學會 會長


  • 香港大學商學院 EMBA課程總監

  • 香港大學城巿規劃及設計糸副教授

  • 澳門城市大學 常務副校長

  • 香港中文大學 客座教授

  • 香港理工大學 客座教授

  • 香港珠海學院 教授

  • 英國劍橋大學商學院 客座教授

  • 美國麻省理工學院 訪問學人

  • 深圳清華大學研究院 名譽教授

  • 同濟大學城規建築學院 顧問教授

  • 中國人民大學公共管理學院 客座教授

  • 天津大學商學院 客座教授

  • 深圳行政學院 客座教授

  • 中國人社部高級公務員培訓中心 名譽教授

  • 香港政府高級公務員課程中心 研究主任

  • 澳門匯業銀行 董事及顧問

  • 世界銀行 顧問


  • 香港規劃師學會會員

  • 澳洲規劃師學會會員

  • 美國規劃師學會

  • 香港運輸物流學會會員

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林家強 教授

大同企業 執行主席


  • 香港城市大学公共及国际事务系

  • 创新融资与變革研究所联席所長

  • 大同企業集团(iEnterprise)执行主席

林教授在投资和金融领域拥有超过三十年的行政及管理經驗,多年來致力于为全球金 融机构提供投资價值及風險評估等咨询及管理服务,包括联合国、亚洲开发银行等超级国家组织、亚洲的中央银行和主权财富基金以及养老金等機構投资者。 自 2012 年以来,林教授積極投入推动社会企业和影响力投资在香港和亚洲地區的發展。 他在企业和个人层面均赢得多個獎項及殊榮, 包括:​

  • 2009 年至 2011 年连续获得最佳基金经理奖。

  • 2010 年度中国最杰出创新企业家。

  • 2011 年被评为中国投资管理业务十大最杰出影响力企业家之一。

  • 2019 年中国“改革开放四十年”可持续文化旅游产业杰出经济人物奖。

  • 2023 年中小企 ESG 最佳实践表现奖。

  • 2023 首家拥有多元共融性团队的社会企业榮獲數碼訊息无障碍设计企業大奖。

  • 2023 數碼訊息无障碍嘉许计划中获得四个杰出奖项。

林教授曾担任大中华区另类管理协会 ESG 及影响力投资研究委员会主席; 联合国开发计划署可持续发展目标创新/影响力金融高级顾问; 中国信息无障碍研究协会及亚洲未来城市峰会/好城市基金会顾问, 並多年協辦 在香港舉行的社企民間高峰會。他是典型的研究与實踐並重的學者企業家, 不斷突破研究与實踐領域, 合著書籍包括《组织效率的本质与衡量》(2016 年)、《可持续投资—亚洲的影响》(2020 年)和《ESG理要知》(2023 年)。

林教授 於 2012 年創辦大同企業《iEnterprise》,致力于《三方合作模式》的应用研究, 打造社会企业运营、商企 、和非政府组织, 三方共創共赢的《影响力企业模式》,释放弱势社区被忽视的生产力。此外,他还担任香港城市大学公共与国际事务系的客座教授,并创立“创新融资与转型实验室”。他的研究兴趣涉及為解決社會問的混合和创新金融模式及这些举措的衡量和评估框架的开发。他在倡建“共融智慧城市”发展的实际执行中发挥了重要作用。他与香港交易所、香港立法会、香港平等机会委员会和香港智慧城市联盟等组织密切合作, 努力推動《科技為善》并兼顧弱势群体在智慧城市发展过程中的需要。

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區永源 (Oswald)

ESG 技術顧問

Oswald 在商業諮詢方面擁有超過 20 年的經驗,涵蓋中國大陸、香港、澳洲、新加坡、馬來西亞、

Oswald 是一位認可的首次公開發行(IPO)和合併與收購(M&A)的估值師和會計師,井具有豐富的商
業估值經驗。他已簽署了超過 100 份為 IPO 和 M&A 交易所準備的估值報告。Oswald 還是一位國際
著豐富的知識和經驗。Oswald 還是受認可的碳審計師和香港首批認可的全國碳排放交易員。

在他的領導下,Riskory Consultancy Limited 成為了佳能香港 (Canon Hong Kong)可持續性的官
方戰略合作夥伴。Riskory Consultancy Limited 的碳排放目標也已經獲得了科學基礎目標倡議

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Professor Paulina Wong


Prof. Paulina PY Wong is currently an Assistant Professor in the Science Unit at Lingnan University. She is also the Centre Fellow(s) of the Institute of Policy Studies and the LEO Dr David P. Chan Institute of Data Science. She has many years of industrial and academic research experience in New Zealand, USA and Hong Kong mainly on ecological and practical applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Her areas of specialization include urban climate, air/noise pollution, GIS, and environmental health. In recent years, her research has been extended to GeoAI modelling, urban sensing, mobile geospatial technologies, sustainability education and ESG. She is a certified GIS Professional and ESG Planner (CEP®). She obtained her BSc and MSc (with first-class honours) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand and her PhD from the University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Wong also serves on a number of professional associations such as the Council member and Vice-chairman of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Committee of Smart City Consortium (SCC), Honorary Secretary of Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association (HKGISA) and Founding Committee member of Hong Kong Alliance of BA&E Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) to foster GIS, Open BIM and Smart city development. She is also the editorial board member, review editor and guest editor of several quality international journals.

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Miss Selina Kam

Sustainability and ESG
Selina is the sustainability committee member of Pico Far East Holdings Limited, a listed company in HKEX. Her role is to provide sustainability and ESG reporting related advice. She was engaged in corporate sustainability initiatives since 2007, organizing corporate social supports to local communities with young talents and future leaders.

Newspaper interviews
She has received interview by HK Economic Times on HR issues e.g. engaging young generations. She also interviewed by South China Morning Post and Oriental Daily on the latest trend in Customer Service and building positive Customer Experience. 

Public Programs and Talks
She has been invited by HK General Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, HK Retail Management, Asia Pacific Professional Managers Associations to deliver talks on various topics, e.g. Latest Trends in Sustainability and ESG, AI for Talent Development, Talent Engagement, Succession Planning, Crisis Management, Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making, Performance Management, Retail trends and Strategies, etc. She also leads several public workshops for HKMA on Managing the Training Function, Customer Experience, Train the Trainer, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Time Management, etc.

HR, Talent Management and Succession Planning
As the corporate HR director of a listed company, she helps set up Talent Strategy, conduct Succession Planning and built the structure for Talent Management, and launched the Human Capital Audit using McKenzie Model. In the past, she has been responsible for the ASP talent development programmes for HSBC. She was also the part-time lecturer of Hong Kong Management Association on Building a Learning Organization, Developing Talents and Succession Planning Executive Diploma, HR Management Professional Diploma from 2013 to 2019. 

Financial Planning and Investment
She developed various investment services and the 1st Financial Planning workshop for HSBC ASP executives from 2001 to 2004.

Academic Background
She is a doctoral candidate and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge, besides a master’s degree. She got her bachelor’s degree from Western University in Canada.

Other Qualifications
She has CFPCM, NLP, MBTI, PPA (DISC), SLII accreditations, International Investment Advice Certificate (IIAC) from London Securities Institute, and she is a qualified assessor in conducting one to one assessment with well-developed competency models.

Selina has received the Distinguish Trainer’s Award in 2007, and Citation for Career Development Award on Regional Graduate Development Programme in 2009 from HKMA.

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Emily S. Wong


Emily S. Wong 認可 ESG策劃師(CEP) ® 擁有英國法律學士及香港大學調解及仲裁法學碩士及澳洲工商管理(資訊科技)碩士學位、並為澳洲及英國市場學會會員。從事電腦行業及資訊科技已超過20年,由電腦硬件、軟件開發、產品專利技術開發、無線傳輸技術、光學追蹤、虛擬實境 AR 、圖像追蹤到後期科技投資等相關項目。 曾於電視台任職副總裁管理OTT網絡視頻,亦於香港大學法律學院作資料研究搜集。市場發展經驗由香港丶東南亞丶歐美至近十多年於中國內地各大城市。亦為「揀飲擇食」The Meals Matter 作者,著作亦有製成網上語音版本。

自2018年被診斷出自身免疫疾病後,由於不斷攻擊眼睛。自此,便計劃並決定追求一個新的人生路向。2019年, 她曾成立了一個慈善組織,支持緬甸一個小漁村貧困家庭的母親和孩子。

最近,Emily成立了一個非營利團隊,致力於創造一個更包容社會。以根據聯合國的SDG 3健康和福祉作為藍圖,促進改善健康,為有需要的人提供網上醫療資源網站;並學習如何通過簡單的烹飪技巧改善個人及家人飲食健康。節目內容均與不同資深專業人士或醫護合作提供,再以人工智能輔助來提高整體敘事和視頻製作速度。

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