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ICSD於2003年7月已經連續第三年財政支持 Heartline HK( Heartline HK 是一個大學生營運的非牟利組織,為年輕人提供情緒支援服務。

以下是Heartline HK 在領英上的信息:

As Heartline Hong Kong reaches its 3rd anniversary, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the International Chamber of Sustainable Development for their unwavering financial and strategic support to Heartline Hong Kong over the past three years, which played a significant role in the founding and operations of our organization. We would like to extend a special thank you to Dr. Angus Yip, Certified ESG Planner CEP® and Dr. Mike Hui Certified ESG Planner® for their immense mentorship, guidance, and the leads they have provided, which have greatly influenced our direction and development. Their expertise and dedication have been instrumental in shaping Heartline Hong Kong's journey.

Heartline Hong Kong is an initiative that offers a free, non-judgmental listening service to individuals in need. Through our online texting platform and hotline, we provide support from 7pm to 5am every night. Since our establishment in 2021, we have helped over 3900 callers, with an average post-call rating of 4.5/5.

In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to promote the Certified ESG Planner (CEP) course offered by ICSD.  This course equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to tackle pressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Eligible students can get 80-100% of tuition fees reimbursed by the government. If you are passionate about sustainability and want to get certified, we recommend exploring the Certified ESG Planner course. You can find more information about the course here:

As Heartline Hong Kong continues growing and expanding our services, we also humbly ask for your continued support. Your contribution enables us to maintain and enhance our hotline, ensuring we can be there for those suffering emotional difficulties.

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香港中環皇后大道中70號, 卡佛大廈1104室  |  電話: +852 8209 8210

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